
50 Single Unders

25 L-Leg Single Unders

25 R-Leg Single Unders

30 Alt Single Unders

20 Double Unders or 5 attempts

10 Iron Crosses

10 Scorpions

10 Cobra to Downward Dog

10 Thread the Needle

Barbell Warmup: With an empty bar, perform 5 reps of: Good morning, Back Squats, Elbow Rotations, Front Squat, RDL, Strict Press.  Then, in Clean grip, perform 3 reps of: Dip/Shrug, Dip/Shrug/High Elbows, High Hang Power Clean, Hang Power Clean, Push Press, Push Jerk



3 Rounds:

12 Deadlifts (95/65)

9 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)

6 Push Jerks (95/65)

Max Double Unders in Time Remaining

Rest 4 Minutes


2 Rounds:

12 Deadlifts (135/95)

9 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)

6 Push Jerks (135/95)

Max Double Unders in Time Remaining

Rest 4 Minutes


1 Round:

12 Deadlifts (155/105)

9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)

6 Push Jerks (155/105)

Max Double Unders in Time Remaining


Score = Total Double Unders

3 mini AMRAPS with 4-minute breaks between each.  The rest should give you plenty of time to recover, so go all-out!  As you notice, the rounds for the lifting “buy-in” drop each AMRAP, but the weight goes up.  Keep form good in each to get through as quick, and as safely as possible.  Then, go all out for those dubs!!!


Scaling Options:

Bar weight -> as needed. Goal is for 3 weight jumps.  If stuck with one weight, do 3 rounds of complex each AMRAP

Double Unders -> Penguin Hops -> Single Unders -> Bunny Hops

Video courtesy of WOD Prep.  Penguin Hop demo.


Cool Down:

Roll out lower back and T-Spine – 3 Min


Calf Stretch – 1 Min per side