
200M Jog

10 Walking Lunge

10 Inchworm

10 Cossack Squats

10 Alt Toe Touch

Grab light KB/DB

5 Goblet Squats w/2 sec hold at bottom

5 Push press per arm

3 OH lunge per arm



For Time:

600 Meter Run

50 DB/KB Single-arm Overhead Walking Lunge

600 Meter Run

50 DB/KB Single Arm Thrusters

600 Meter Run

50 DB/KB Goblet Squats

If you don;t have a KB or DB, use any object you can hold in one hand.  Weight-wise, pick something that is not overly heavy, but heavy enough where you would have to break every 12-20 reps.  Or, if you have a bar, do the movements with both arms, just aim to go a bit heavier.

Video courtesy of Feroce Fitness.  The Single Arm OH Lunge can either be walking or in-place

Video courtesy of Marcus Filly.  The Thruster can be DB or KB.


Video courtesy of WOF CrossFit.  If you do not have a KB, feel free to use a DB.


Scaling Options:

Run -> 750M Row -> 3 Min of cardio of choice

KB/DB movements – no weight


Cool Down:

Overhead Stretch – 1 Min

Video courtesy of Veterans Health Administration.


Calf Stretch on wall – 1 Min per side


Pic courtesy of Shut Up and Take My Money.  We are heading into Week 2 of at-home Joint Strike.  Please stick with it!  I know with so many of us either stuck int he house or unable to get into the gym, this time can be frustrating.  Please continue to stay active.  Doing these WODs will not only keep you fit, it will help keep you sane.  If you need alternatives to any movement, please reply to this post or reply on the Facebook posts, or email me at dave_leclaire@yahoo.com directly.



30 Jumping Jacks

20 Flutter Kicks

10 Spider-man Lunge to Samson Stretch

10 Cobra to Downward Dog

10 Leg Raises

10 Iron Cross

20 Jumping Jacks

10 Thread the Needle

Practice Hollow Work movements


Tabata Hollow Work

8 Rounds each of 20 Sec Work, 10 Sec Rest:

Hollow Hold

Superman Hold

Hollow Rocks

V-Ups 2x2x tempo*


*2X2X tempo = 2 second raise to the top of  V-up, no pause at top, 2 second descent to bottom of V-Up, no pause at bottom

Way this will work, you will complete 8 rounds of 20 second work, 10 seconds rest of Hollow Hold, then after the 10 second break at the end of set 8 of Hollow hold, you will go right into 8 sets of 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest of Superman Holds. This pattern will be the same when doing 8 sets of Hollow Rocks, and 8 sets of Tempo V-Ups.  For the Hollow Rocks and V-ups, do as many reps as you can int he 20 seconds per set. For the movements

For the movements:

Video courtesy of the CrossFit Gymnastics Course.  Hollow Hold

Video courtesy of SmithCoaching.  Superman Hold.  NOTE:  Do NOT arch the neck.  Keep gaze straight ahead.

Videos courtesy of CrossFit HQ.  Hollow Rock.  If unable to do as RX, bend one or both knees to chest.  Also, scale to bringing the arms to the sides if needed.

Demo of the V-Up.  Don;t forget to stick to the above-mentioned tempo per rep.


4 Rounds:

21 Burpees

15 V-ups

9 Pike Push Ups

If you have access to more equipment, feel free to change the movements to Burpee Box Jump, Toe2Bar, and Handstand Push ups or Pike Push ups off a box

Video courtesy of Global Bodyweight Training.  Demo for Pike Push Ups off the ground.



Scaling Options:

V-Ups –> Butterfly Sit Ups

Pike Push Up -> Hand Release Push Up -> Push Up off bench


Cool Down:

Cobra Pose – 1 Min


Thread the needle Hold – 1 Min per side


Joint Strike Athletes:  Due to gym closure due to safety steps related with COVIS-19 resistance, we are going to post WODs that can be done at the track, at a park, in your garage, out in front of your house.   Ideally, these WODs will utilize a single Dumbbell, a Kettle Bell, a jump rope, and a pull up bar (not all at the same time).  If these items are not available, we will offer alternatives.  IF you have to alter WODs due to limited equipment, that is fine.  The point is, stay active.  If you have questions or need advice, alternatives, support, etc… please post here or on our Facebook page and one of our staff will get back to you.  We love this community and will do everything in our control to help keep you fit.  We WILL get through this and you CAN stay active through it all.


Grab light DB

10 one-leg deadlifts per side

5 Bent over rows per side

5 Front Squats per side

5 Push Press per side

5 Thrusters per side


EMOM for 24:

Min 1 – 15 DB Goblet Squats

Min 2 – 10 DB Rows per arm

Min 3 – 8 One-Arm DB Overhead Press per side

Min 4 – 6 Single Arm DB Thrusters per side

DB weight – 35/25


Video courtesy of Feroce Fitness.  Quick demo of one-arm DB Thrusters


Video courtesy of WOF CrossFit.  Quick demo of DB Goblet Squat

Video courtesy of Marcus Filly.  Demo of one-arm DB row.  If you do not have a bench available, go into a lunge and use your free arm to brace your body.



Scaling options:

DB weight -> as needed.  If no DBs, use what is available


Cool Down:

Pigeon Pose – 2 Min per side


Kneeling Lat stretch – 2 Min per side


Joint Strike Athletes:  Due to gym closure due to safety steps related with COVIS-19 resistance, we are going to post WODs that can be done at the track, at a park, in your garage, out in front of your house.   Ideally, these WODs will utilize a single Dumbbell, a Kettle Bell, a jump rope, and a pull up bar (not all at the same time).  If these items are not available, we will offer alternatives.  IF you have to alter WODs due to limited equipment, that is fine.  The point is, stay active.  If you have questions or need advice, alternatives, support, etc… please post here or on our Facebook page and one of our staff will get back to you.  We love this community and will do everything in our control to help keep you fit.  We WILL get through this and you CAN stay active through it all.



200M Jog

Side lunge 30’

Twisting Lunge 30’

10 Knee hugger to hip opener

10 Pike Push Ups off the ground

10 Over and backs


10 Min to work on:

Tripod/Headstand/Wall Handstand/free-standing Handstand/Handstand Walk

Depending on your skill level here are tutorials from frog stand (tripod) to free-standing handstand(video series courtesy of




4 Rounds:

10 Handstand Push Ups

200M Run

30 Walking Lunges

40 Mountain Climbers

50 Second Plank (top of push up)

Again, if you need to alter the WOD due to what is available to you, so be it. Another good alternative for Handstand Push ups can be seated heavy Dumbbell Presses.


Scaling options:

HSPU -> Pike Push up off box -> Pike Push Up off floor -> Hand release push up

Run -> 250M Row/.4Mile Assault Bike/150M Ski erg


Cool Down:

Scorpion Hold – 1 Min per side


Downward Dog – 2 Min


Joint Strike Athletes:  Due to gym closure due to safety steps related with COVIS-19 resistance, we are going to post WODs that can be done at the track, at a park, in your garage, out in front of your house.   Ideally, these WODs will utilize a single Dumbbell, a Kettle Bell, a jump rope, and a pull up bar (not all at the same time).  If these items are not available, we will offer alternatives.  IF you have to alter WODs due to limited equipment, that is fine.  The point is, stay active.  If you have questions or need advice, alternatives, support, etc… please post here or on our Facebook page and one of our staff will get back to you.  We love this community and will do everything in our control to help keep you fit.  We WILL get through this and you CAN stay active through it all.


8 Min AMRAP:

30 Single Unders

10 light KB deadlifts

8 Russian Swings

5 Tuck jumps

5 Cobra to Downward Dog



10 Iron crosses

10 Scorpions



For Time:

50 Double Unders

400M Run

30 American KB Swings

20 Sit Ups

10 Box Jump Overs

20 Sit Ups

30 American KB Swings

400M Run

50 Double Unders


For the run, if you don’t have a track you can use, again, you can either mark out a 200M section of road, and use that 200M point as your turnaround, or run for one minute, then turn around and come back.  For the KB swings, if you do not have a KB handy, use a DB.  If now DB, use a detergent bottle, filled jug, etc…  For the box jump overs, if you do not have a box, use a step stool, sturdy chair, big tool box, etc.. If none available, just do a tuck jump and land forward.


Scaling options:

DU -> 100 Single Unders/50 penguin hops*/100 bunny hops

Video courtesy of WOD Prep.

Run -> 500M Row/.7 Mile Assault Bike/300M Ski Erg

KB Swing -> Russian height

Box jump Over -> Step up/over


Cool Down:

Childs Pose – 2 Min


Cobra pose – 2 Min


Joint Strike Athletes:  Due to gym closure due to safety steps related with COVIS-19 resistance, we are going to post WODs that can be done at the track, at a park, in your garage, out in front of your house.   Ideally, these WODs will utilize a single Dumbbell, a Kettle Bell, a jump rope, and a pull up bar (not all at the same time).  If these items are not available, we will offer alternatives.  IF you have to alter WODs due to limited equipment, that is fine.  The point is, stay active.  If you have questions or need advice, alternatives, support, etc… please post here or on our Facebook page and one of our staff will get back to you.  We love this community and will do everything in our control to help keep you fit.  We WILL get through this and you CAN stay active through it all.



Bear craw 30’

Inchworm 30’

10 Pushup to Downward dog

10 Alt toe touch

10 Huggers

10 Over and backs

Grab light weight

10 one-arm deadlifts per side

8 one-arm push press per side

5 one-arm snatch per side



EMOM for 10:

20 Push Ups

Score = Total successful round

If you are unable to finish a round in the given time, stop when the next minute begins, take that minute of rest, then begin the following minute.

So, if say in minute 4, I only get 15 push-ups in by the end of the minute.  When minute 4 ends, I will take that minute 5 off, and then start again when minute 6 starts.

Again, your score is total successful rounds.


For Time:


DB Snatch (50/35)

Burpee over DB

Video courtesy of Clayton Clemens. These WODs are going to be based on using a single DB or KB.  If you don’t have those available. My good friend, Clayton Clemens from CrossFit Hyde Park shows how a common detergent bottle can be used for Snatches.  Also, the option to use a 12-pack is fine as well.  The point during this time is to keep yourself doing activity.  If it is slightly altered based on what is available, that is fine.  Just. Keeping. Being. Active.


Scaling options:

DB -> 35/25 -> as needed -> if no DB, use what is available.

Push up -> Reduce reps to 15 -> 10 -> as needed

Burpee over DB -> Burpee


Cool Down:

Doorway Stretch – 1 Min per side


Thread the Needle Hold – 1 Min per side


Pic courtesy of Keepcalms.com


Joint Strike Athletes:  Due to gym closure due to safety steps related with COVIS-19 resistance, we are going to post WODs that can be done at the track, at a park, in your garage, out in front of your house.   Ideally, these WODs will utilize a single Dumbbell, a Kettle Bell, a jump rope, and a pull up bar (not all at the same time).  If these items are not available, we will offer alternatives.  IF you have to alter WODs due to limited equipment, that is fine.  The point is, stay active.  If you have questions or need advice, alternatives, support, etc… please post here or on our Facebook page and one of our staff will get back to you.  We love this community and will do everything in our control to help keep you fit.  We WILL get through this and you CAN stay active through it all.


Jog 30’ and back x3

High knees 30’

Butt kickers 30’

Side lunge 30’

Spiderman lunge 30’

Calf stretch while in downward dog – 20 stretches per side


20 Min AMRAP:

Run 200M

20 High Knees

Run 200M

20 Jumping Jacks

Run 200M

30 High Knees

Run 200M

30 Jumping Jacks


Add 10 reps to high knees and jumping jacks per round

Welcome to the “do at home” period of Joint Strike!  Yes, there are many changes happening on base and around the world, and we want to make sure we get the opportunity to give a product everyone can do either at home in the garage, at the base track, or at a park near them.  Today will be a straight cardio blast!  If you are able to use the base track, you can cut a lap in half for your 200M section.  If doing at home, figure out a 200M distance, or run for 30 seconds in on direction.  At the end of the 30 seconds, wherever you stop will be your turn-around pint for today’s runs.  If you can’t run outside, you will jog in place for a minute for every run.  With this being an AMRAP, no need to sprint, just keep yourself moving as long as possible. I would try to keep my rest to just the time it takes me to transition from one movement to the next.


Scaling options:

Run -> 250M Row/.4 Mile Assault Bike/150M Ski Erg

High knees -> no speed

Jumping Jacks -> Feet don’t leave the ground


Cool Down:

Calf stretch (use wall/fence/etc.. – 2 Min per side


Hurdler Stretch – 1 Min per side


Joint Strike Athletes,

As of now, the gym will be limited to only AD/Guard/Reserve, and the Combat PT Tent is closed until further notice. Today’s WOD will be the last I will post for the current cycle.  I will be working on some at-home workouts to get us by until we are up and running again.  Once we are up and running, we will resume the current strength cycle. Thank you for your continued dedication to this great program, and we will get through this. Be safe. Be smart. Be fit! – Coach D



½ mile Assault Bike

Walking lunge 30

Walking Kicks 30’

Knee hug to hip opener 30’

Heel2Toe 30’

10 Hollow rocks

10 V-ups

2X10 empty bar press


Strict Press


Increase weight ea set

Video courtesy of CrossFit HQ.

Our Press movement this cycle will be the Strict Press. Couple reminders for Strict Press:

Hands are just outside the shoulders / Feet can be anywhere between hip and shoulder width / Elbows are down and in front of the bar at set up / Heels stay flat the whole time / Torso and legs stay engaged and stationary (locked out) / Bar moves over the middle of the foot / Shoulders push up into the bar / The lift is complete when the arms are at full extension / Finish with the bar over the middle of the foot (head should be through the arms).   With the 5X5 week, goal is to increase weight every set.  The last rep of each set should be VERY taxing.


For Time:

50 Ab mat Sit Ups

50 Air Squats

50 Sit Ups

50 Walking Lunges

50 Sit Ups

50 Burpees

50 Ab mat Sit Ups

Body-weight burner to end the week!  Keep good form in each movement.  A quick time with sloppy form does nothing to improve your fitness!


Scaling Options:

Sit ups -> feet anchored

Air Squats -> to depth

Lunges -> Air Squats


Cool Down:

Cobra Pose -1 Min


Leg Bleeds – 3 Min


All classes in the Combat PT area have been cancelled until further notice. The gym will remain open, but no scheduled classes. We will continue to provide programming on this page and encourage you all to come in on your own (maybe with one or two people) and continue on your fitness.
How do we become harder to kill? Stay fit!



5 Cal Ski Erg

10 Box to Bends

10 Pushup to downward dog

10 Over & Backs

10 bent over huggers

Grab light DBs

10 DB deadlifts

5 Rows per arm while in top of push up

5 Pushups on DBs

8 Cal Row


EMOM for 30:

Min 1 – 7/5 Cal Ski Erg

Min 2 – 8 Renegade Rows (35/25)

Min 3 – 12/9 Cal Row

Video courtesy of Marcus Filly.  Quick demo of the Renegade Row.  One rep of Renegade Row consists of One push up on top of the Dumbbells, one row with the right arm at the top of a push up, and one row with the left arm at the top of the push up.

Bit of a longer EMOM today.  The cardio pieces are very manageable, but don’t try to sprint since you have 30 minutes of work to get done!


Scaling Options:

Cals -> reduce as needed to make minute cut off

DB weight -> 25/20 -> as needed


Cool Down:

Kneeling Lat Stretch – 1 Min per side


Child’s Pose – 2 Min


All classes in the Combat PT area have been cancelled until further notice. The gym will remain open, but no scheduled classes. We will continue to provide programming on this page and encourage you all to come in on your own (maybe with one or two people) and continue on your fitness.
How do we become harder to kill? Stay fit!



50 Single Unders (SUs)

25 single leg SUs per side

25 DUs or 5 attempts

Duck walk 30’

Crab walk 30’

10 Iron Cross

10 Scorpion

20 arm circles

20 over and backs

Pull up warm up (On the pull up rig, perform 5 reps of: Scap Pull Ups, Kip Swings, Strict Pull Ups, Kipping Pull Ups  )


Barbell w/u (With an empty bar and in clean grip, perform 3 reps of the following: dip/shrug, dip/shrug/high pull, high hang muscle clean, front squats, high hang squat clean, squat clean from knee, squat clean from mid shin, press, push press, push jerk  )



3-Position Clean (Floor, Below the Knee, above the knee)




+ 1 Jerk at the end of ea set.

Sets start every 3 min

%s Based off 11Mar2020 1RM

Video courtesy of Catalyst Athletics.  Our Clean variation this cycle will be the 3-Position Clean.  One rep consists of a Clean from the ground, followed immediately by a clean from below the knee, finished with a clean at the hang (anywhere above the knee).  Hold onto the bar through the whole rep.  Feel free to drop the bar between reps.  On the last rep of every set, add a Jerk to the end of the rep (remember, this is ONLY for the LAST rep of every set).


3 Rounds:

60 Double Unders

30 Pull Ups

15 Deadlifts (245/165)

With the deadlifts being a bit heavier today, if you know you can’t get all 15 in one shot without your form breaking down, aim for manageable chunks.  Suggest you do 5, put the bar down, shake it out, do 5 more, drop the bar, shake it out, then finish the remaining 5.  Don’t let fatigue lead to rounding your back in these.  Keep a tight position even if it takes just a little longer to get through.


Scaling Options:

Double Unders -> DUs through 75 rope contacts -> 60 Penguin hops -> 120 Single unders per round

Pull Ups -> Buddha Pull ups

Bar weight -> 225/150 -> 185/130 -> as needed



Cool Down:

Calf Stretch on rig – 1 Min per side


Back Extensions on GHD – 3X12