

Big ups to Mike, Chris, Chris, and Mark for toughing it out for 16.2 on Friday!  What a way to kick off the 2016 Open!



Front Squat


Increase weight each set



15 Minute AMRAP:

5 Push Jerks (165/115)

15 Pull Ups

50 Double Unders


Scaling Options:

Push Jerk – 75% of 1RM

Pull Ups – Banded strict pull ups

DU – 2:1 SU ratio



Bulgarian Split Squat 3×8 each leg

Super set w/5 seated box jumps. Up height each round


Roll out lats (bottom of ribs to arm pit) 20 passes per side



pics and videos courtesy of CrossFit Games.





CrossFit Open 16.1

20 Min AMRAP:
25-ft. overhead walking lunge(95/65)
8 bar facing burpees
25-ft. overhead walking lunge(95/65)
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups

Score = Total reps


Movement Standards:


Overhead Walking Lunge – Each lunge begins with the weight overhead, the feet together, and the athlete standing tall.  The trailing knee must make contact with the ground at the bottom of each lunge. The weight must remain overhead for the duration of the repetition.  The rep ends with the weight still overhead and the athlete standing tall with the hips and knees fully extended. Stopping with both feet together on the ground is not required, but both legs must be fully extended if the athlete chooses to step through at the top. The athlete must alternate which foot leads for each rep. If at any point the weight is dropped or comes into contact with the head or body, the athlete must restart
from the last 5-ft. increment they crossed

Bar Facing Burpees – Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. The athlete’s head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom.  The athlete must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted.  The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell. All scaled divisions will jump over an unloaded barbell.

Pull Ups – This is a standard chest-to-bar pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed, as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom.  At the top, the chest must clearly come into
contact with the bar below the collarbone.


Scaled Option:

20 Min AMRAP:
25-ft. front rack walking lunge(45/35)
8 bar facing burpees
25-ft. front rack walking lunge(45/35)
8 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

Movement Standards:

Front Rack Walking Lunge – Each lunge begins with the weight racked on the shoulders, the feet together, and the athlete standing tall. The lunge for scaled masters is unloaded.  The trailing knee must make contact with the ground at the bottom of each lunge.  The rep ends with the athlete standing tall with the hips and knees fully extended. Stopping with both feet together
on the ground is not required, but both legs must be fully extended if the athlete chooses to step through at the top. The athlete must alternate which foot leads for each rep. If at any point the weight is dropped the athlete must restart from the last 5-ft. increment they crossed.


Jumping Pull Ups – The pull-up bar should be setup so it is at least 6 inches above the top of the athlete’s head when standing tall.  At the bottom, the athlete must lower themselves so their arms are fully extended.  At the top the chin must break the horizontal plane of the bar.


Get excited!  If you have not registered for the Open yet, click here and DO IT!


open 16.1

Pic courtesy of the CrossFit Games.  Tune in to games.crossfit.com at 5:45pm local to watch the announcement of 16.1 and to watch Chyna Cho andEAmily Abbott throw down at NorCal CrossFit.


Sumo Deadlift


Increase weight each set

Compare to 21 Jan

Re-test of 5X5 for the Sumo Deadlift.  Suggest have your opening set close to what you used in the 1st or 2nd  set on 21Jan.  Should see an increase for those last sets.  But no rounded back!


6 Rounds For Time:

60’ Walking Lunge w/plate OH (45/25)

200M run

Keep the arms locked out the whole time you are lunging


Scaling Options:

Plate – 25/15



GHDs 4X20

Couch Stretch x 2 min per side


Calf stretch on rig x 2 min per



Floor Press



Increase weight each set

Compare to 25 Jan

Re-test of 5X5 for the Floor Press.  Suggest have your opening set close to what you used in the 1st or 2nd  set on 25Jan.  Should see an increase for those last sets



4 Rounds For Time:

400m Run

12 KB Snatch Each Arm (70/53)

10 Pull-ups

Video courtesy of Rogue Fitness


Scaling Options:

KB Snatch – 53/35

Pull Ups – supine ring rows



Reverse hyperextensions –  3 rounds 10 reps only dropping 4 inches from top then 10 reps full


Hang from rings x 2 min


Roll out posterior chain x 2 min


Video courtesy of CrossFit HQ.  The Open starts this Friday!  Be ready!



Zercher Squat




Increase weight each set

Compare to 18 Jan

Re-test of 5X5 for the Zercher Squat. Suggest have your opening set close to what you used in the 1st or 2nd set on 18Jan. Should see an increase for those last sets


7 min AMRAP

5 Front Squats (155/ 115)

7 Bar Facing Burpees


Compare to 14Dec2015

This is a re-test of a timed WOD we did back in December. Look back in your log and compare!


Scaling Options:

Front Squats – 95/ 65, 65/ 35



Handstand Walk Practice – 10 min or

Every 2 min for 10 min – 50 Shoulder taps


Banded OH stretch – 2 min per side



Floor Press



Increase weight each set



5 pull ups

10 push jerk 115/80

100 yard farmers walk 70/53 # (Dumbbells or kettle bells)


Scaling Options:

Pull Ups – Ring Rows x 2

Push Jerk – as needed

Farmer Walk – 53/35



HSPU work – 10 min

Front Lever work – 5 min

Roll forearms – 2 min per



Snatch High Pull + Hi Hang Snatch + Snatch


5X1 + 4 OHS

So, this week, per set, do 1 snatch hi pull, hold onto the bar, reset and do one hi hang snatch, stand all the way up, then bring the bar back to the hip crease, go down under control to the ground, set up, and do a full snatch.  Once you stand up with the snatch, perform 4 OHS.  Try using same weight as last week or heavier if you can maintain good form.  The snatch pieces should be crisp, and OHS should be stable.


Tabata: 20sec on, 10sec off

8 Rnds – Alt jumping lunge

8 Rnds –DUs

8 Rnds – BF Sit Up


Score = Total Reps


Scaling Options:

Alt jumping lunge – Regular lunge

DUs – no scale. If anything, you get 8 rounds of 20 sec practice

BF Sit Ups – Feet anchored sit ups



Hold Elbow2Instep (1 min per side)


Pigeon pose (1 min per side)


Banded shoulder distraction (2 min per side)


Tabata roll out

(Whole body, spend 20 sec per section per side, rest 10 sec between. Go until whole body is done.  Do extra if needed.)



Sumo Deadlift




Increase weight each set

Higher rep counts on today’s sets, but do not let form suffer. No rounded backs or inward knees!


“Super-sized Elizabeth”


Power Cleans (185/125)

Weighted Ring Dips (30/20)


Scaling Options:

75% of 1RM on Power Cleans

No weight ring dips or stationary dips, or box dips



Legless rope climb work:


Spend 15 min. Get as many as you can but work technique





12 Min AMRAP:


12 Box jumps (24/20)

6 Thrusters (95/65)

6 Bar Facing Burpees



Pic courtesy of CrossFit HQ.  U.S. FBI Supervisory Special Agent Gregory J. Rahoi, 38, of Brookfield, Wisconsin, assigned to the Hostage Rescue Team, based in Quantico, Virginia, was killed on December 6, 2006, during a live-fire tactical training exercise at Fort A.P. Hill, near Bowling Green, Virginia. He is survived by his parents, Natalie and Richard, sister Teri, and fiancee Paula Paulk


Scaling Options:

BJ – 20/16

Thrusters – as needed



GHD – 3×15


Hold bottom of squat 3×1 min

Perform these 2 as a superset (not for time)