
High Hang Snatch




Sets start every 4 min

% Based on 8 Jan 1RM

Video courtesy of Catalyst Athletics.

Final week of our Snatch variation for this cycle, the High Hang Snatch, or Dip Snatch

Execution: Begin standing in the tall position—standing fully erect with the bar held at arms’ length. Bend smoothly at the knees only as you would for a jerk, then quickly and aggressively transition in the bottom of the dip and extend the hips and knees together to finish the pull of the snatch, completing the rest of the lift as you would for any snatch. Be sure your feet remain flat as you dip and drive hard through the floor with your legs. This lift is meant to be done with an elastic dip and drive—there should be no pause in the bottom of the dip. Make sure to keep the bar against your body throughout the lift—don’t let it be pushed away at any point.

Purpose: The primary purpose of this exercise is to train the leg drive of the snatch extension for lifters who are overly reliant on hip extension to the detriment of adequate leg extension. These lifters will typically reach the hips too far forward through the bar and not get enough upward force into the bar. It’s also helpful to get lifters to remain flat-footed longer through the pull, to help lifters keep the bar against their bodies both in the second and third pulls, and to focus on proper arm mechanics in the pull under (i.e. elbows high and to the sides). %s go up this week, so stay strong through each set!!!


EMOM for 15:

Min 1 – 12 Toe2Bar

Min 2 – 30 Ab Mat Sit Ups

Min 3 – 2 Rope Climbs

Video courtesy of Norcal CrossFit.  Good core control will be key today, especially in the rope climbs!  Don’t burn out the arms, use your climbing technique and utilize legs and core!


Scaling Options:

Toe2Bar -> Kipping Knee raise

AB mat sit ups -> feet anchored

Rope climb -> 2 Rope walks per rep

Video courtesy of CrossFit HQ.  Demo of Rope Walks.


Cool Down:

Cobra pose – 2 min


Roll out forearms



For Time:

3 Rounds:

50 Double Unders

15 Power Cleans (135/95)


100/70 Cal Row


3 Rounds:

50 Double Unders

25 KB Swings (53/35)

Two very fun 3-Rounders with a little cardio piece in the middle.  Think manageable chunks on the weighted movements and consistency in the cardio pieces.


Scaling Options:

DUs -> As many DUs in 75 Rope Contacts -> 50 Penguin Hops  -> 100 Single Unders

A rope contact means every time the rope touches the ground.  So, in a single under, there is one rope contact per rep.  In a double under, there are two rope contacts per rep.  For this scale option, your goal is to attempt as many double unders as you can in 100 rope contacts.  This is for the athlete who can get a few double unders, but is working on consistency.  If you do not have DUs at all, use one of the other scaling options

For Penguin Hops (video courtesy of WOD Prep)

Bar weight -> 115/80 -> 95/65 -> as needed

KB weight -> 35/26 -> as needed


Cool Down:

Calf Stretch on rig – 2 min per side


Roll out T-Spine – 30 passes



Push Jerk


Increase weight ea set

Video courtesy of CrossFit HQ.  Final week of the Push Jerk before our 5X5 re-test.  Our goal this cycle is to not only get stronger in this movement, but to be more comfortable while under a load, making the Clean & Jerk more successful.  A secondary focus this cycle will be the controlled dip (you’ll see that here as well as in our high hang Snatch and Clean variations this cycle).  Learn how to not just drop suddenly into the dip, rather drop down in control like a coiled-up spring, and then as you VIOLENTLY extend upwards, you’ll get more power out of the hips, therefore moving more weight.  Once you extend and PUNCH with the arms, drop yourself under the bar FAST!  Make sure these are push jerks, not push presses. High reps each set this week to push that muscular endurance.  DO NOT let your form go down just to get through.  Keep the core tight, make the movement crisp!.


16 Min AMRAP:

21 Cal Ski Erg

15 Pull Ups

9 Overhead Squat (95/65)

Be sure to do the Cool Down after this one as your shoulders will be SMOKED!!!


Scaling Options:

Pull Ups -> Buddha Pull Ups

Video courtesy of NotKrisRoe


Bar weight -> 75/55 -> as needed (if OHS movement is difficult, go down to PVC if needed)


Cool Down:

Thread the needle hold – 1 min per side


Child’s pose – 3 min




18 Box Jumps (24/20)

18 Push Ups

Max Calorie Row

rest 3 minutes


15 Box Jumps (24/20)

15 Pike Push Ups off box

Max Calorie Row

rest 3 minutes


12 Box Jumps (24/20)

12 Burpees

Max Calorie Row

rest 3 minutes


9 Box Jumps (24/20)


Max Calorie Row


Score = total Cals from Row

3 Minutes of all out work followed by 3 min rest. Get through the Buy-In portion (Box Jumps and pushing movement) as quickly as you can to get as many Cals rowed as possible before the end of each round.


Scaling Options:

Box height -> 20/16 -> as needed

Push Ups -> off box or bench

Pike Push ups off box -> pike push ups from floor -> push ups to downward dog

HSPS -> Pike push up off box

Video courtesy of Norcal CrossFit


Cool Down:

Pigeon Pose on box – 2 min per side


Barbell Shoulder Stretch – 2 min per side

Video courtesy of Mobility WOD



Back Rack Reverse Lunge (out of rack)

10,9,8,7,6 Per Leg

Increase weight ea set

Video courtesy of Train FTW.  Week 4 of the Back-Rack Reverse Lunge.  Reminder on technique: Take the barbell from the rack, take no more than a step back.  From here, set the feet shoulder distance apart.  Keeping the torso upright and without twisting the hips, take a step back with one leg.  Once your foot makes contact, lunge down on that leg until the knee gently touches the floor.  Once it touches, push through the opposite foot to come back to a standing position.  Bring the back floor back to even with the front foot. Repeat on the other side.  These are going to open up some areas of work we previously haven’t gotten on the legs and will help increase the flexibility in your legs for any squatting variations…also good booty gains from these!  The goal of the 5X3 is to start with a weight where the last rep gets somewhat challenging.  Then, increase the weight the next set.  This week is all about muscular endurance, so these sets will be much longer than you are used to. Still, aim for a weight that will push you all the way to the end of each set, and make sure you climb in weight each set.   Let’s do it!



Thrusters (115/80)

KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (70/53)


*Top of every minute – Complete 4 Burpee Over Bar


15 Min Time Cap

So, the workout will begin with 4 Burpee over bar, and then go into 10 Thrusters, then 10 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, then 9 Thruster, and 9 KB Sumo deadlift high pulls, etc.., BUT,at the top of every minute, stop wherever you are in the WOD and do 4 burpee over bar.  This continues until the you finish the final set (1 thruster, 1 KB SDHP). Quick demo of Sumo Deadlift High Pull with a KB (video courtesy of WODStar)


Scaling Options:

Bar weight -> 95/65 -> 75/55 -> as needed

KB weight -> 53/35-> 35/26 -> as needed


Cool Down:

Couch Stretch – 3 min per side


V sit on wall – 3 min

Video courtesy of Signum CrossFit.  Quick demo of the Wall V-sit


Pic courtesy of CrossFit HQ.  Sgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on 15 October 2008 during High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) training while assigned to Army USSOCOM preparing for deployment to Afghanistan. Jerry is survived by his wife Molly and his sons Chad, Cody, Chase and Connor.  




For Time:

1 Mile Run

2,000 Meter Row

1 Mile Run

As with any Hero WOD, this one will be a bit longer and a bit on the uncomfortable side, for a good reason.  Honoring those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.


Scaling Options:

1 Mile Run -> 3 Mile Assault Bike


Cool Down:

Roll out calves – 1 min per side


Lat stretch on rig – 1 min per side

Video courtesy of Harbor Park CrossFit



Snatch Grip Deadlift


Increase weight ea set

Video courtesy of Untamed Strength.

Our third time hitting Snatch Grip Deadlifts this cycle.  Lower reps than last time, so go heavier! Again, this is great for building a strong upper back as well as adding to our overall back strength (important for conventional deadlift improvement, and just making your back better for whatever the world throws at it).  Due to the arms being out wider, you will have to squat down deeper than you would for a conventional deadlift.

Set up and execution – Feet at hip width, toes slight pointed outward (allows knees to push outward rather than forward).  Grab the bar in a snatch grip (hook grip the fingers), use straps if you want.  Shoulder blades should be over the barbell.  Engage the lats and chest up.  Drive the feet through the floor as you stand.  Make sure you pull the bar into your body. Stand all the way up, no need to overextend the back, but make sure the hips are locked out.  Don’t go touch-and-go with these. Stop completely at the bottom and reset your hips every rep


In 3 Min, complete…

10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

10 Alt DB Snatch (50/35)

Max Box Jumps (24/20)

Rest 1 Min

Repeat 4 times

Score = Total Box Jumps

So, there will be a total of 4 three-minute rounds.  The pull ups and DB snatches are essentially your buy-in each round.  Remember, your score is total box jumps.


Scaling Options:

Chest to Bar -> Chin above pull ups -> Buddha Pull Ups

DB weight -> 35/25 -> 25/20 -> as needed

Box height -> 20/16 -> as needed


Cool Down:

Roll out lats – 20 passes per side


Pigeon Pose on box – 2 min per side


Pic courtesy of WOD Well



AMRAP (with a Partner) in 40 minutes:

50 Burpees

400M Run

50 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

400M Run

50 Pull-Ups

400M Run

50 Push-Ups

400M Run

Split work between partners as needed. Run together.


This British Hero WOD was designed by CrossFit NW1 (Conwy, Wales) in memory of member and athlete Lt. Garreth Jenkins of Colwyn Bay, Conwy, who collapsed at the Commando Training Centre, Lympstone, Devon, while on a 30-mile (48km) march on Thursday, May 28, 2015.

Lt Jenkins, who was in his mid-20s, died during the so-called “30-miler” march, the last major test undertaken as part of the 32-week Commando course. Trainees must complete it carrying at least 32lbs (15kg) of equipment in a maximum time of eight hours.

Boxes in the UK and around the world have since memorialized the soldier, CrossFitter with this workout.

Remember, this is a partner WOD.  Only one partner working at a time, except during the run.  During the run, you run together for the 400M.  See how many rounds you and your partner can get through!


Scaling Options:

Run -> 500M Row

KB weight -> 35/26 -> as needed

Pull Ups -> Buddha Pull Ups

Video courtesy of NotKrisRoe

Push Ups -> off of a bench


Cool Down:

Cobra to Downward Dog x 20, slow and controlled


Roll out T-spine – 30 passes



High Hang Clean




+ 1 Jerk at the end of ea set.

Sets start every 4 min

%s Based on 8 Jan 1RM

Video courtesy of California Strength.

Third time hitting High Hang Cleans for this cycle.  Weights stay the same, but reps go up, so time per round is increased.  Again, I prefer you do the squat clean version, but if technique or flexibility are limiting you, you can land in the power position, and then complete a front squat.

Setup and Execution – Deadlift the bar up to a full standing position.  Keep the torso upright, core tight.  Keep the chest over the bar.  In a controlled motion, dip to the power position, then push through the feet to VIOLENTLY extend the hips (keeping the bar close to your body), and then pull yourself under the bar to catch it at the bottom of a Front Squat.


3 Rounds:

75 Double Unders

50 Air Squats

15 Clean & Jerks (115/80)

Cleans can be Power Clean. Try to relax as much as you can in the DUs (breathe), keep a constant pace on the Air Squats (crease of the hip below the knee EVERY rep), and then attack the C&Js.


Scaling Options:

DUs -> As many DUs in 100 Rope Contacts* -> 75 Penguin Hops ** -> 150 Single Unders

*A rope contact means every time the rope touches the ground.  So, in a single under, there is one rope contact per rep.  In a double under, there are two rope contacts per rep.  For this scale option, your goal is to attempt as many double unders as you can in 100 rope contacts.  This is for the athlete who can get a few double unders, but is working on consistency.  If you do not have DUs at all, use one of the other scaling options.

** For Penguin Hops(video courtesy of WOD Prep

Air Squats -> to depth

Bar weight -> 95/65 -> 75/55 -> as needed


Cool Down:

Calf Stretch on Rig – 2 min per side


Saddle Pose – 3 Min

Video courtesy of Signum CrossFit