Pic courtesy of Frogcatcher Films.  Just wanted to say hello to all our great athletes and see how everyone is doing!  Hope this quarantine time finds you healthy and safe.  I know it’s been rough doing this stuff away from the community, but stay at it!  There is light at the end of the tunnel, I can feel it!



200M jog

10 Alt Toe Touch

10 Soldier Kicks per side

10 Squat2Stand

10 Thoracic High Fives

Grab one light DB:

5 DB deadlifts per side

5 DB Snatch per side

5 Goblet Squats


5 Rounds:

200M DB Suitcase Carry (100M L-arm, 100M R-arm) (50/35)

20 Alt DB Snatch (50/35)

20 DB Goblet Squats (50/35)

Video courtesy of John Rusin.  For the Suitcase carry, keep the shoulders even, back flat, and hips square!  Today’s WOD will test your grip.  Grind through it!


Scaling Options:

DB weight -> 35/25 -> as needed.  If no DBs, sub a KB or any object you can hold


Cool Down:

Roll out forearms


Iron cross hold – 30 sec per side